How to build a team that works together.....

Foster Collaboration and Elevate Your Team to Success

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships” - Michael Jordan.

Have you ever wondered why certain people love working for their leader?

I don’t know why they want to go above and beyond for him or her.

Why are they so eager to join their team?

But why don’t they do it for me?

Why do they have loyalty on their team and I don’t?

Team building seems complicated!

These are common thoughts most leaders experience when building a team.

This week, let’s dive into how to build a team of trust, boost productivity, dedicate yourself, engage in communication, and more.

Today’s Summary.

  • Seize opportunities with team building.

  • Do team activities benefit the team or not?

  • Steve Jobs on building a team of A-Players.

Seize opportunities with team building.

Foster Open Communication.

Encourage active listening, information sharing, and healthy debate. Regular meetings and clear communication channels are crucial.

Did you know?

Socializing as a team improves communication patterns by 50%. Read further here.

Lead By Example.

Show desired behaviours—collaboration, respect, and open feedback.

You set the tone for the team culture.

 Delegate to Elevate.

Assign tasks based on strengths and provide support and mentorship. This optimizes performance and fosters a sense of ownership.

Take advantage of the diversity in your team; this gives different perspectives and answers to problems.

In this speech, Simon Sinek shared with the team at Coca-Cola. He shared something a powerful insight into the powert

He emphasizes the importance of “ blended teams.”

Click here to watch the speech.

Do team activities benefit the team or not?

Yes and no.

Team-building activities can be incredibly beneficial. But they can also be a waste of time if they are not done correctly.

 Team activities done right:

Choose Activities Aligned with Goals.

Select activities that meet team needs, such as communication or problem-solving.

Create A Safe Space For Learning.

Create an environment where team members feel safe. They should feel safe taking risks and learning from mistakes.

Team activities not done right:

Poorly Planned Activities.

Activities that don’t match the team's goals or needs can waste time and resources.

Focus On Competition Over Collaboration.

Competition between team members can be hurtful for morale. They can also hinder collaboration.

Steve Jobs On Building A Team of A-Players.

Check out this interview with Steve Job. In which he stresses the importance of having a team of A-players

With such big ambitions. Having a team of top players is critical to your team’s success.

A team with no chemistry is like everyone’s paddling hard, but the board is going nowhere.

Jobs wasn’t afraid to show much that most of his success came from the team he formed. After all, it is not a solo sport, but everyone working together with the same goal.

Building a team doesn’t happen overnight; it requires taking a series of steps. A team’s true strength is its member's support of each other.

They help each other overcome their weaknesses. As the leaders, it is your job to find and remove any obstacles to team building.

With your guidance, your team will become a high-performing team. They will be able to face any challenge!

That is it for this week. Have a productive week ahead. Keep striving for excellence!


P.S. Spotify now offers Audiobooks. This is what I am currently listening to.


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